Starfield Review Embargo All Details Confirmed (2024)

Starfield is almost here; early access for Premium Edition owners begins tomorrow (depending on location), September 1.

Starfield's reviews are currently embargoed, meaning gaming publications cannot yet reveal what they think of the game.

If you want to learn when the Starfield embargo time will be lifted and what these initial reviews are saying, we have all the information below.

We will also keep track of the game's reception with our Starfield review roundup, which will be updated as more scores are published. We will also update the overall Starfield Metacritic and OpenCritic scores as they settle over the coming days.

Table of Contents

  • When Do Starfield Reviews Come Out?
  • Starfield Review Roundup
  • Starfield Review Scores
  • Our Starfield Review

So, that said, remember to preload and let us take a look at when the Starfield review embargo ends.

When Do Starfield Reviews Come Out?

The Starfield embargo ended on August 31, at 5 PM BST / 12 PM ET / 9 AM PT. Which was 8 hours before premium edition got access the game.

Often, video game developers allow reviews to be posted well before the game launches; when a window of time is so close to the general public playing, it can often cause doubt about the quality of the game. For Bethesda, this is common practice with their titles; they like to keep things under heavy guard to keep spoilers to a minimum.

Starfield Review Roundup

This Starfield review roundup will be updated when the scores are published, and we will also update the overall Metacritic and OpenCritic scores as they settle over the coming days.

This is what major outlets had to say about Bethesda's title

  • PC Gamer(75): “I don’t love Starfield, but I’m happy to say that I do like it. Those first 90 hours I played were far from perfect, but I’ve got plenty of reasons to play 90 more.”
  • GamesRadar(5/5): “Starfield isn’t really a game you play to complete, it’s more about living whatever sort of life you want in the literal universe Bethesda has created. Whatever you’re thinking of doing, you almost certainly can do it, and the scale is almost a release in a way – you’ll probably never see or do it all, so just enjoy the moment. There’s months, if not years, of discoveries buried away in here, and even after 80 hours I can’t wait to see more.”
  • Touch Arcade(review in progress): “If you enjoy Bethesda Game Studios’ games, and more importantly love exploration and space, I think you should prepare to experience your new obsession with Starfield. I’m looking forward to spending more time with it, and seeing how it improves over time on both Steam Deck and Xbox Series X.”
  • VGC (5/5):“Starfield is undoubtedly a game that players will explore for years. It’s content-rich in a way that’s rare in modern gaming, but it’s exactly the experience that people who’ve been buying different versions of Skyrim for years wanted. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel with any of its mechanics, but almost everything it does, it does so well, that it’s a truly engrossing experience.”
  • The Verge:“Starfield is another huge experience with an almost overwhelming amount of things to do and see, coupled with some great character development, role-playing features, and so-so action. But it also smooths over many of the rough edges that have defined past releases from the studio while introducing a new theme and narrative that match the grand ambitions that Bethesda has always strived for. War never changes — but it’s a lot more thrilling in space.”
  • Game Informer(8.5): “It took me a long time to fall in love with Starfield, and even after I did, certain aspects didn’t work for me. But the things I didn’t enjoy are vastly outweighed by my enthusiasm for this new, original science fiction universe, the breadth of its adventures, and the appeal of its many interwoven stories. Go in with the expectation that it will take some time to find your footing in such a vast gameplay space, and there’s a universe well worth discovering here.”
  • Destructoid (10): “I wasn’t sure if it could be done, but Bethesda has managed to raise the bar for sandbox games even higher. In the end, Starfield is an epic sandbox open-world RPG with a beautifully immersive universe, a captivating story, and fun and compelling gameplay the whole way. I’m so happy to have experienced Starfield organically, and I really hope you get to as well.”
  • Videogamer(9): “Starfield is the enchantment and wonder of space bottled and fleshed out into something grand and ambitious, thoughtful and attentive, janky at times, often funny, but always charming.”

Starfield Metacritic score

  • Xbox - 86
  • PC - 87

We will update this score as it moves up or down.

Starfield OpenCritic Score

  • 88

We will update this score as it moves up or down.

Starfield Review Scores

  • PC Gamer: 75/100
  • GamesRadar: 5/5
  • VGC 5/5
  • Game Informer: 8.5/10
  • Destructoid: 10/10
  • Videogamer: 9/10

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  • Digital Trends: 7/10
  • Forbes: 9.5/10
  • Screen Rant: 4/5

Our Starfield Review

Full disclosure - Bethesda did not provide us with a review code at the same time as some other outlets, an issue that affected many publications outside of the US.

As unfortunate as this may be, we will have a Starfield launch review for you in time for the game's full release. However, we have something better in mind for special coverage going forward.

Allow us to introduce to you - 'The Living Breathing Review'. Sure, that is a mouthful, but hear us out. Having two weeks to push out a review for embargo would be doing Starfield a massive disservice. We plan on providing you with the ultimate Starfield review.

Starfield Review Embargo All Details Confirmed (3)

Starfield Review Embargo All Details Confirmed (4)

Credit: Bethesda

So how will this work? I hear you ask; we plan to evolve our review as we experience the game. A collaborative shared effort to bring you the internet's most comprehensive look at Starfield.

We feel no Bethesda game can ever be fully appreciated on a first play-through of the main story and a few side quests; instead, they need to mature, sit with you and be allowed the time to live and breathe to allow you to soak in the entire experience truly.

This will be a true 'for the fans by the fans' review, and we hope you will join us as we share our Captain's Logs and musings as the review expands. Starfield, like its other Bethesda brethren, is more than just a game; it is more than just a piece of media to cover and move on from. Starfield is a journey; sharing our stories as we make pathways through the cosmos will be an experience like no other.

For all, into the Starfield.

While you are here, why not get ready to explore all the planets within Starfield, or even learn about the Wild Wild West in Starfield?

We also have extensive guides and builds to suit every player, which will evolve and change with time.

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Starfield Review Embargo All Details Confirmed (2024)


Starfield Review Embargo All Details Confirmed? ›

The review embargo date for Starfield is Thursday, August 31 at 12 PM ET. This is uh, eight hours before the launch of Early Access release (ie. pay more to start early), which begins in various regions either on August 31 or September 1. Here in the US, that's August 31 at 8 PM ET.

What does the Starfield embargo lift? ›

The Starfield review embargo lifts on Thursday, August 31 at 5pm BST/12PM ET/9 AM PT. You'll be able to read all about our time with the game, how we feel it plays and just whether it'll be worth your hard earned cash. Rest assured, this will be a spoiler-free review.

Why did Starfield flop? ›

Running on an outdated engine and not offering interesting plot, variety or characters, Bethesda games have long ceased to be something innovative and original.

Is Starfield 25 years in the making? ›

Development. Starfield is the first new intellectual property (IP) by Bethesda Game Studios in over twenty-five years, and has been described by director Todd Howard as "Skyrim in space". The studio had been delving into space-themed games since as early as 1994, according to Howard.

Was Starfield a success? ›

Starfield's sales success in 2023 as the #11 bestselling game contradicts its mixed critical reception, making it an outlier as a profitable new IP. Despite a "mixed" reception on Steam and a 6.8 Metacritic score, Starfield's commercial performance and player engagement were solid.

What time is the Starfield embargo date? ›

The review embargo date for Starfield is Thursday, August 31 at 12 PM ET. This is uh, eight hours before the launch of Early Access release (ie. pay more to start early), which begins in various regions either on August 31 or September 1. Here in the US, that's August 31 at 8 PM ET.

Does Starfield really have 1000 planets? ›

In fact, Howard would go on to reveal only 10% of Starfield's planets would have life on them. Still, over 1,000 planets. It was one hell of a number, a number that sounds fantastic in an advert. Starfield is a game so vast that exploring all those planets would take any right-thinking player an age to do.

Is Starfield a ripoff of no man's sky? ›

It definitely drew inspiration from No Man's Sky, but to call it a "ripoff" is downright ludicrous considering just how much of the content featured in Starfield diverges from No Man's Sky.

Why did Starfield get bad reviews? ›

Starfield's negative reception is not due to woke elements but stems from Fallout 76's impact on player trust. Bethesda's failure to address technical issues and deliver a compelling experience, coupled with a revenge backlash from Fallout 76, led to widespread disappointment.

Is Earth going to be in Starfield? ›

You can actually travel to Earth very early in the game, as we visited Earth ourselves during Starfield's second mission, The Old Neighbourhood. However, to get to Earth you need to have enough fuel for your ship. How much fuel you need depends on how far away you are from the 'Sol' star system.

Why did Will Shen leave Bethesda? ›

Starfield's lead quest designer leaves Bethesda to help develop fantasy RPG Wyrdsong. Will Shen, who worked on Starfield as lead quest designer, has left Bethesda to join Something Wicked Games. In his new role, Shen will be the lead content designer on the studio's first game, the open-world fantasy RPG Wyrdsong.

How old is Sarah Morgan Starfield? ›

It's then revealed that her father passed away at the beginning of the Colony War, which itself was in 2308, and considering Starfield takes place in the year 2330, this would make her 40 years old.

Why did Starfield lose so many players? ›

Once dubbed the 'next big thing' for the studio, it landed generally warm reviews, though many were quick to jump in a point out a wealth of missing features that would have elevated the game. Along with this, players were finding 'cut and paste' outposts, lacklustre space exploration, and a relatively dull story.

Did Starfield lose 97 percent? ›

As game launches go, Starfield was not the stellar success that Bethesda and parent company Microsoft probably hoped for. This space-based action RPG may have been Bethesda's biggest launch but, less than six months later, it's lost 97% of its Steam player base.

Is Starfield planets bigger than Skyrim? ›

Starfield's planets appear to be massive as one fan compares them to the size of the full world in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.. The main campaign is set to take place in an area roughly 20% bigger than Fallout 4 and Skyrim, according to The Gamer. Get daily insight . Skyrim itself only had an area of 15 square miles.

Did Starfield flop in 2024? ›

Ahead of the release of Elder Scrolls 6, the relative failure of Starfield was bound to affect the fan reaction to the upcoming game. At the recently concluded Gdc 2024, the Game Director of Elder Scrolls Online, Matt Firor, announced some mind-boggling figures that the game amassed over a decade of its running.

Was Starfield a bust? ›

Starfield ends 2023 as a massive commercial success, topping the Steam charts in September and pushing Xbox back onto the map after a relatively disastrous year.

Has Starfield sold well? ›

By the end of 2023, Circana put the game as the tenth best-selling video game of the year. Estimating from the numbers of other games on Circana's list, particularly Mortal Kombat 1 which landed at nine, we can estimate that Starfield has sold around 2.5 million copies.

Is Starfield still popular? ›

Starfield's initial launch was an immense success for both Bethesda and Xbox, and while its player count may be dropping significantly now, it's earned its keep already.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.