What are the 5 Types of Construction? (2025)

What are the 5 Types of Construction? (1)

What Are the 5 Types of Construction?

The 5 types of construction classifications are: Type I, Type II, Type III, Type IV, & Type V.

Every building you see has been classified into one out of five types of construction. Chapter 6 of the International Building Code (IBC) outlines the requirements to correctly classify a building by its type of construction.

What is the purpose of classifying a building or structure by its type of construction?

It is essential to correctly classify a building by its type of construction to account for the response that a building will have to a fire that occurs within the building as a result of the occupancy it serves.

The building code requires that every building be classified as one out of five possible types of construction.

Type I Construction requires the highest fire-resistance rating whereas Type V Construction requires the least amount of fire-resistance rating.

Why is it important to classify a buildings type of construction correctly?

The fire resistance rating of a building is determined by the rating of a buildings structural elements. A higher construction type classification provides a higher level of safety to its occupants if a fire was to occur however the cost of building to this level of fire resistance can be much more costly than a lower construction type classification.

If a building is incorrectly classified to a higher category for example, the owner may end up paying a higher construction cost for the building even though it does not need to be classified as such due to its occupancy classification.

On the other hand if a building is incorrectly classified to a lower category, the building will not be constructed in a manner as required for its intended use and will result in a relative risk to the occupants it serves.

A simple example is a small residential garage structure verses a school auditorium.

A garage in general would not require such a high construction type classification and can be built at a lower construction type classification to minimize construction cost.

In comparison, a school auditorium would potentially require a higher construction type classification to provide a higher level of safety to the increased number of occupants the building serves.

Even though Chapter 5 of the International Building Code (IBC) covers how big and tall a building is allowed to be based on its construction type and occupancy classification, this post will just cover what the different types of construction classifications are.

Now that we have a better understanding of why the different types of construction classifications are established, let us look at each Type of Construction individually to better understand what each one means.

Construction Type Classification

The different construction classifications are found in Section 602 of the International Building Code. All buildings shall be classified in one of the five construction types which are defined in Sections 602.2 through 602.5.

To classify for a specific construction type, the building elements must have a fire-resistance rating not less than that specified in Table 601 and Table 602.

While we are here, it is important to define what Fire-Resistance Rating is. The building code defines it as the following:

“The period of time a building element, component or assembly maintains the ability to confine a fire, continues to perform a given structural function, or both, as determined by tests or methods based on tests as prescribed in Section 703.”

Now a building component is a fundamental component of the buildings construction as listed in Table 601. This includes elements such as the exterior walls, roof structure, floor structure, primary structural frame, and so on.

Therefore the type of construction is based on the period of time it takes for each given building element to withstand a fire or to continue performing its structural function.

Now let us take a look at how the building code defines each construction type.

Type 1 – Type I Construction

What is Type I Construction?

Type I construction is where the building elements listed in Table 601 are of noncombustible material, except as otherwise listed in Section 603.

For example these would be materials such as concrete, masonry, noncombustible steel.

The term “noncombustible material” is defined as a material that passes the test procedures for defining combustibility of elementary materials set forth in ASTM E 136.

While the building elements in a Type I building are to be of noncombustible materials, Section 603 provides a list of where combustible materials can be used in a Type I building.

There is a list of 26 items found in Section 603 which refers you to other sections of the code that allow you to use the materials listed in this section.

While these are combustible materials, they are considered minor in relation to the overall building. For example one of the materials listed is millwork used as door frames or window sashes. Although combustible, they are allowed to be found in a noncombustible buildings given the limitations set in the code.

The term “combustible material” is defined as any material not defined as noncombustible.

Type 2 – Type II Construction

What is Type II Construction?

Type II construction is the same as Type I construction where the building elements listed int Table 601 are of noncombustible material, except as otherwise listed in Section 603.

Type 3 – Type III Construction

What is Type III Construction?

Type III construction is where the exterior walls are of noncombustible materials and the interior building elements are of any material allowed by code. This means the interior building elements can be of combustible or noncombustible material.

There is an exception that allows exterior walls of type III buildings to be built with fire-retardant-treated wood if the wall has a 2 hour rating or less.

Type 4 – Type IV Construction

What is Type IV Construction?

Type IV construction is also know as Heavy Timber construction. It is a type of construction where the exterior walls are of noncombustible material and the interior building elements are of solid or laminated wood without concealed spaces.

This can be solid sawn lumber, glue laminated lumber, structural composite lumber, or cross laminated lumber with the minimum dimensions per chapter 6 as required for structures built using Type IV construction.

Type 5 – Type V Construction

What is Type V Construction?

Type V construction is where the structural elements, exterior walls and interior walls are of any material allowed by code, combustible or noncombustible.

Things to Note

While you now have a better understanding of the Type of Construction classifications noted above, it is important to know that they are also further subdivided into two categories that are used to identify differences in the degree of fire resistance required.

These subdivided categories are as follows: IA and IB, IIA and IIB, IIIA and IIIB, VA and VB.

For example Type IIIA requires the floor construction to be rated for 1 hour while Type IIIB has a rating of 0 hours for the floor construction.

This might not make sense as to the purpose of this when looking at Chapter 6 alone, but when you consider Chapter 5, you will see that you are allowed to have a larger building given the added fire protection while not fully transiting into a noncombustible building like Type II.

In Summary

How many types of construction are there? 5 Types of Construction per Chapter 6.

– Type I & II Construction is where the building elements are of noncombustible material.

– Type III Construction is where the exterior walls are of noncombustible materials and the interior building elements are of any material allowed by code.

– Type IV Construction, also know as Heavy Timber, is where the exterior walls are of noncombustible material and the interior building elements are of solid or laminated wood without concealed spaces.

– Type V Construction is where the building elements are of any material allowed by code.


* Reference Source – 2015 International Building Code – [Buy on Amazon]

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What are the 5 Types of Construction? (2025)


What are types of construction? ›

These include residential building construction, industrial construction, commercial building construction, and heavy civil construction.

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Type V - Wood-Framed

Unlike a non-combustible type of construction, Type 5 Wood Framed structures can use combustible materials in their exterior walls. It is common for many of the structural members in this type of construction to be wood. Typically, if the walls are wood-framed, the roof will be as well.

What are the 4 types of structures? ›

There are four types of structures;
  • Frame: made of separate members (usually thin pieces) put together.
  • Shell: encloses or contains its contents.
  • Solid (mass): made almost entirely of matter.
  • liquid (fluid): braking fluid making the brakes.

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The construction process is the detailed steps required to complete your construction project. This process can be broken down into five phases – planning/design, pre-construction, procurement, construction, and post-construction.

What are the 7 types of construction? ›

Types Of Construction Projects
  • Residential Building Project.
  • Private Project.
  • Commercial Project.
  • Industrial Project.
  • State Construction Project.
  • Infrastructure and Heavy Construction Project.
  • Federal Construction Project.
12 Dec 2021

What are the 3 basic types of construction? ›

The four key types of construction include residential, commercial, industrial, and infrastructure, which covers nearly every construction project.

What are the 6 types of construction drawings? ›

What Are the Six Types of Construction Drawings?
  • Plans.
  • Interior and exterior elevations.
  • Building and wall sections.
  • Interior and exterior details.
  • Schedules and room finishes.
  • Framing and utility plans.

What is construction Class 4? ›

4. Masonry Non-Combustible (Class 4): Buildings where the exterior walls are constructed of masonry materials, as described in Joisted Masonry above, with the floors and roof of metal or other non-combustible materials. 5.

What are the five major construction classifications quizlet? ›

Terms in this set (5)
  • Type I Construction. Fire Resistant. Resists water damage, confines fire well, does not easily collapse. ...
  • Type II Construction. Noncombustible. ...
  • Type III Construction. Ordinary. ...
  • Type IV Construction. Heavy Timber. ...
  • Type V Construction. Wood Frame.

Which type of construction is called ordinary construction? ›

Ordinary Construction — characterized by noncombustible exterior bearing walls (i.e., brick, concrete, or masonry) and combustible floors, roofs, and interior walls. Less sturdy than mill construction, this type of joisted masonry construction of the exterior walls generally receives a fire-resistive rating of an hour.

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Five elements create an organizational structure: job design, departmentation, delegation, span of control and chain of command. These elements comprise an organizational chart and create the organizational structure itself. "Departmentation" refers to the way an organization structures its jobs to coordinate work.

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All buildings have similar components such as foundation, plinth, walls, floors, doors, windows and roof. Every component has its own function.

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Structural Elements means the structural (i.e., load bearing) components of the Building's footings, foundations, exterior structural walls, interior structural columns and other load-bearing elements of the Building.

What are the first 5 steps to building a house? ›

Before you Build – 5 Steps to Building your New Home
  1. Step 1: Plan your Budget. As you prepare to start the homebuilding process, your first step should be determining how much you can afford to spend. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose your lot. ...
  3. Step 3: Choose Your Team. ...
  4. Step 4: Create your plan. ...
  5. Step 5: Obtain Estimate & Contract.

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In this article, we've taken the well-known five phases of project management—concept and initiation, planning, execution, performance/monitoring, and project close—and adapted them to fit your needs as a construction project manager.

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Throughout this eBook, we will take you through each stage of construction – Foundations, Substructure, Superstructure, Roofs, First and Second Fix, Surface Finishes and External Works – with a number of technical articles that outline common issues faced within each stage, with suggested ways to overcome these issues ...

What are types 3/4 and 5 construction? ›

Type 3: Ordinary: New or old buildings with non-combustible walls but a wood-framed roof. Type 4: Heavy Timber: Older buildings made from thick lumber. Type 5: Wood-framed: Modern buildings with combustible framing and roofs.

What are the 4 phases of construction? ›

Planning, Preconstruction, Construction & Close-Out

The construction process is typically divided into 4 essential phases: Planning, Preconstruction, Construction and Close-out.

What are the 4 most common construction drawings? ›

Top 10 most common types of Construction drawings use regularly in construction industries.
  • Block Plan. ...
  • Architectural Drawings. ...
  • Production Drawings. ...
  • Structural Drawings. ...
  • Electrical drawings. ...
  • Plumbing Drawings. ...
  • HVAC Drawings. ...
  • Firefighting Drawings.
17 Apr 2021

What are the 5 major architectural drawings? ›

What is an architectural drawing?
  • Structural drawings.
  • Engineering drawings.
  • Shop drawings.
  • Technical drawings.
  • HVAC drawings.
  • Electrical and plumbing drawings.
3 May 2021

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There are many types of technical drawings, including: 3D drawings (isometric, perspective) • Exploded-view 3D drawings • Complete working drawings • Detail drawings (2D orthogonal projections) •Diagrams are another form of technical drawing with looser, less universal standards.

What is Type 6 construction? ›

TYPE IA (ISO 6): The main structural elements are noncombustible. Examples of these materials would be masonry and concrete. Basically, all concrete construction.

What is Type 1 a construction? ›

Type 1 structures are constructed of concrete and protected steel (steel coated with a fire resistant material, most often a concrete mixture), and are designed to hold fire for an extended amount of time in order to keep the fire at bay in the room and/or floor of origin. TYPE I-A--Fire Resistive Non-combustible.

What is ISO construction type 5? ›

Resistive ISO 5): A risk of this construction has structural floors, roofs and their supports are of non-combustible construction. 6): Risk with this type of construction have structural floors and roof and their supports that are of material such as precast or poured- in-place reinforced construction.

What is a Class 7 building? ›

Class 7 buildings. Class 7 buildings are storage-type buildings. The Class 7 classification has 2 sub-classifications: Class 7a and Class 7b. Class 7a buildings are carparks. Class 7b buildings are typically warehouses, storage buildings or buildings for the display of goods (or produce) for wholesale.

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Sourced from Amanzi Stone Quarry. This material is manufactured by Crushing brown quartzite stone down to minus 38mm. That means that the maximum stone size will be about 38mm in diameter. It can be used as a sub base material, under paving, driveways, concrete slabs, sidewalks, roads etc.

What are the 5 building types according to NFPA 220? ›

Buildings can be categorized into five different types of construction: fire-resistive, non-combustible, ordinary, heavy timber, and wood-framed.

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Adding a cost component to the process creates a 5th dimension, making a 5D model. Such 5D engineered models allow stakeholders to evaluate costs and model cash flows for each phase of construction.

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The construction master plan includes three types of planning: strategic planning, operational planning, and scheduling.

What are the types of construction materials? ›

Wood, cement, aggregates, metals, bricks, concrete, clay are the most common type of building material used in construction. The choice of these are based on their cost effectiveness for building projects.

How many types of construction structures are there? ›

Basic types of systems include bearing-wall, post-and-lintel, frame, membrane, and suspension. They fall into three major categories: low-rise, high-rise, and long-span.

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The elements of design are the fundamental aspects of any visual design which include shape, color, space, form, line, value, and texture. Graphic designers use the elements of design to create an image that can convey a certain mood, draw the eye in a certain direction, or evoke a number of feelings.

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The basic substances of the material world according to the 'Theory of the Five Elements' are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. All material things are made of a single or a combination of the Five Elements, since these are the fundamental components.

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Although many things can affect the choice of an appropriate structure for an organization, the following five factors are the most common: size, life cycle, strategy, environment, and technology.

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Types of structure
  • Solid.
  • Frame.
  • Shell.
  • Membrane.
  • Composite.
  • Liquid.
14 Sept 2021

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Construction beams are structural elements used in buildings, and they resist loads applied laterally to their axis. They are characterized by the manner of their supports, shape of the cross-section, length, material, and equilibrium conditions.

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Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, gold, silver and iron are examples of elements.

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Feng shui divides the world into five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. If you have a room that doesn't feel quite right, try balancing the elements to make it more comfortable. Each element invokes a different mood, creating a customized space that's beneficial for your personality and goals.

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Likewise, a project that results in the development of a new product might contain the following phases: conceptual, technical feasibility, development, commercial validation and production preparation, full-scale production and product support.

What is a Class 5 building? ›

Class 5 buildings are office buildings used for professional or commercial purposes. Examples of Class 5 buildings are offices for lawyers, accountants, government agencies and architects.

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Here's the process:
  • Step 1: Design. During this phase, the client places a project for bidding. ...
  • Step 2: Pre-Construction. ...
  • Step 3: Procurement. ...
  • Step 4: Construction. ...
  • Step 5: Commissioning. ...
  • Step 6: Owner Occupancy. ...
  • Step 7: Project Closeout.

What are the 8 phases of construction? ›

  • Feasibility Study. ...
  • Programming. ...
  • Schematic Design. ...
  • Design Development. ...
  • Construction Documentation. ...
  • Bidding and Negotiation. ...
  • Construction Administration. ...
  • Post-Occupancy Training.
22 Oct 2021

What is a construction process? ›

The construction process has 6 phases: the site is prepared; the foundation is laid; the frame and roof are built; the walls, windows, and doors are added for lock-up stage; the interior is fitted out; and the practical completion stage allows a check by the owners and any final changes to be made.

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The very first stage of construction is to create a concept, followed by a design and blueprints. Typically, this is done with the help of an architect to ensure everything is up-to-code and that the design will be structurally-sound and stable.

What are the 3 types of construction? ›

The four key types of construction include residential, commercial, industrial, and infrastructure, which covers nearly every construction project.

What is Class 3 in construction? ›

Non-Combustible (Class 3): Buildings where the exterior walls, floors and roof are constructed of, and supported by metal, asbestos, gypsum, or other non-combustible materials.

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5-over-1, also known as a one-plus-five, or a podium building, is a type of multi-family residential building commonly found in urban areas of North America. The mid-rise buildings are normally constructed with four or five wood-frame stories above a concrete podium (usually for retail or resident amenity space).

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.