CS 410/510 - Software Engineering class notes (2024)

Reference: Sommerville, Software Engineering, 10 ed., Chapter 7

The big picture

Software design and implementation is the stage in the software engineering process at which an executable software system is developed. Software design is a creative activity in which you identify software components and their relationships, based on a customer's requirements. Implementation is the process of realizing the design as a program. These two activities are invariably inter-leaved.

In a wide range of domains, it is now possible to buy commercial off-the-shelf systems (COTS) that can be adapted and tailored to the users' requirements. When you develop an application in this way, the design process becomes concerned with how to use the configuration features of that system to deliver the system requirements.

Object-oriented design using the UML

Structured object-oriented design processes involve developing a number of different system models.They require a lot of effort for development and maintenance and, for small systems, this may not be cost-effective.However, for large systems developed by different groups design models are an important communication mechanism.Common activities in these processes include:

  • Define the context and modes of use of the system;
  • Design the system architecture;
  • Identify the principal system objects;
  • Develop design models;
  • Specify object interfaces.

System context and interactions

Understanding the relationships between the software that is being designed and its external environment is essential for deciding how to provide the required system functionality and how to structure the system to communicate with its environment. Understanding of the context also lets you establish the boundaries of the system. Setting the system boundaries helps you decide what features are implemented in the system being designed and what features are in other associated systems.

A system context is a structural model (e.g., a class diagram) that demonstrates the other systems in the environment of the system being developed.

An interaction model is a dynamic model (e.g., a use case diagram + structured natural language description) that shows how the system interacts with its environment as it is used.

CS 410/510 - Software Engineering class notes (1) CS 410/510 - Software Engineering class notes (2)

System Weather station
Use case Report weather
Actors Weather information system, Weather station
Description The weather station sends a summary of the weather data that has been collected from the instruments in the collection period to the weather information system. The data sent are the maximum, minimum, and average ground and air temperatures; the maximum, minimum, and average air pressures; the maximum, minimum, and average wind speeds; the total rainfall; and the wind direction as sampled at five-minute intervals.
Stimulus The weather information system establishes a satellite communication link with the weather station and requests transmission of the data.
Response The summarized data is sent to the weather information system.
Comments Weather stations are usually asked to report once per hour but this frequency may differ from one station to another and may be modified in the future.

Architectural design

Once interactions between the system and its environment have been understood, you use this information for designing the system architecture.You identify the major components that make up the system and their interactions, and then may organize the components using an architectural pattern (e.g. a layered or client-server model).

CS 410/510 - Software Engineering class notes (3)

Identifying object classes is often a difficult part of object oriented design.There is no 'magic formula' for object identification. It relies on the skill, experience and domain knowledge of system designers.Object identification is an iterative process. You are unlikely to get it right first time. Approaches to object identification include:

  • Use a grammatical approach based on a natural language description of the system.
  • Base the identification on tangible things in the application domain.
  • Use a behavioral approach and identify objects based on what participates in what behavior.
  • Use a scenario-based analysis. The objects, attributes and methods in each scenario are identified.

Design models

Design models show the objects and object classes and relationships between these entities.Static models describe the static structure of the system in terms of object classes and relationships.Dynamic models describe the dynamic interactions between objects.

Subsystem models show logical groupings of objects into coherent subsystems. These are represented using a form of class diagram with each subsystem shown as a package with enclosed objects. Subsystem models are static (structural) models.

Sequence models show the sequence of object interactions. These are represented using a UML sequence or a collaboration diagram. Sequence models are dynamic models.

CS 410/510 - Software Engineering class notes (4)

State machine models show how individual objects change their state in response to events. These are represented in the UML using state diagrams. State machine models are dynamic models. State diagrams are useful high-level models of a system or an object's run-time behavior.

CS 410/510 - Software Engineering class notes (5)

Interface specification

Object interfaces have to be specified so that the objects and other components can be designed in parallel.Designers should avoid designing the interface representation but should hide this in the object itself.Objects may have several interfaces which are viewpoints on the methods provided.The UML uses class diagrams for interface specification but Java may also be used.

Design patterns

A design pattern is a way of reusing abstract knowledge about a problem and its solution.A pattern is a description of the problem and the essence of its solution.It should be sufficiently abstract to be reused in different settings.Pattern descriptions usually make use of object-oriented characteristics such as inheritance and polymorphism.

Design pattern elements:

A meaningful pattern identifier
Problem description
A common situation where this pattern is applicable
Solution description
Not a concrete design but a template for a design solution that can be instantiated in different ways
The results and trade-offs of applying the pattern

Example: the Observer pattern

CS 410/510 - Software Engineering class notes (6)

Pattern name Observer
Description Separates the display of the state of an object from the object itself and allows alternative displays to be provided. When the object state changes, all displays are automatically notified and updated to reflect the change.
Problem description In many situations, you have to provide multiple displays of state information, such as a graphical display and a tabular display. Not all of these may be known when the information is specified. All alternative presentations should support interaction and, when the state is changed, all displays must be updated.
This pattern may be used in all situations where more than one display format for state information is required and where it is not necessary for the object that maintains the state information to know about the specific display formats used.
Solution description This involves two abstract objects, Subject and Observer, and two concrete objects, ConcreteSubject and ConcreteObject, which inherit the attributes of the related abstract objects. The abstract objects include general operations that are applicable in all situations. The state to be displayed is maintained in ConcreteSubject, which inherits operations from Subject allowing it to add and remove Observers (each observer corresponds to a display) and to issue a notification when the state has changed.
The ConcreteObserver maintains a copy of the state of ConcreteSubject and implements the Update() interface of Observer that allows these copies to be kept in step. The ConcreteObserver automatically displays the state and reflects changes whenever the state is updated.
Consequences The subject only knows the abstract Observer and does not know details of the concrete class. Therefore there is minimal coupling between these objects. Because of this lack of knowledge, optimizations that enhance display performance are impractical. Changes to the subject may cause a set of linked updates to observers to be generated, some of which may not be necessary.


From the 1960s to the 1990s, most new software was developed from scratch, by writing all code in a high-level programming language. The only significant reuse or software was the reuse of functions and objects in programming language libraries. Costs and schedule pressure mean that this approach became increasingly unviable, especially for commercial and Internet-based systems. An approach to development based around the reuse of existing software emerged and is now generally used for business and scientific software.

Levels of reuse:

  • The abstraction level: don't reuse software directly but use knowledge of successful abstractions in the software design.
  • The object level: directly reuse objects from a library rather than writing the code yourself.
  • The component level: components (collections of objects and object classes) are reused in application systems.
  • The system level: entire application systems are reused.

Costs of reuse:

  • The costs of the time spent in looking for software to reuse and assessing whether or not it meets your needs.
  • Where applicable, the costs of buying the reusable software. For large off-the-shelf systems, these costs can be very high.
  • The costs of adapting and configuring the reusable software components or systems to reflect the requirements of the system that you are developing.
  • The costs of integrating reusable software elements with each other (if you are using software from different sources) and with the new code that you have developed.

Configuration management

Configuration management is the name given to the general process of managing a changing software system. The aim of configuration management is to support the system integration process so that all developers can access the project code and documents in a controlled way, find out what changes have been made, and compile and link components to create a system. Configuration management activities include:

  • Version management, where support is provided to keep track of the different versions of software components. Version management systems include facilities to coordinate development by several programmers.
  • System integration, where support is provided to help developers define what versions of components are used to create each version of a system. This description is then used to build a system automatically by compiling and linking the required components.
  • Problem tracking, where support is provided to allow users to report bugs and other problems, and to allow all developers to see who is working on these problems and when they are fixed.

Host-target development

Most software is developed on one computer (the host, development platform), but runs on a separate machine (the target, execution platform). A platform is more than just hardware; it includes the installed operating system plus other supporting software such as a database management system or, for development platforms, an interactive development environment (IDE). Development platform usually has different installed software than execution platform; these platforms may have different architectures. Mobile app development (e.g. for Android) is a good example.

Typical development platform tools include:

  • An integrated compiler and syntax-directed editing system that allows you to create, edit and compile code.
  • A language debugging system.
  • Graphical editing tools, such as tools to edit UML models.
  • Testing tools, such as JUnit that can automatically run a set of tests on a new version of a program.
  • Project support tools that help you organize the code for different development projects.

Open source development

Open source development is an approach to software development in which the source code of a software system is published and volunteers are invited to participate in the development process.Its roots are in the Free Software Foundation, which advocates that source code should not be proprietary but rather should always be available for users to examine and modify as they wish. Open source software extended this idea by using the Internet to recruit a much larger population of volunteer developers. Many of them are also users of the code.

The best-known open source product is, of course, the Linux operating system which is widely used as a server system and, increasingly, as a desktop environment.Other important open source products are Java, the Apache web server and the mySQL database management system.

A fundamental principle of open-source development is that source code should be freely available, this does not mean that anyone can do as they wish with that code. Typical licensing models include:

  • The GNU General Public License (GPL). This is a so-called 'reciprocal' license that means that if you use open source software that is licensed under the GPL license, then you must make that software open source.
  • The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) is a variant of the GPL license where you can write components that link to open source code without having to publish the source of these components.
  • The Berkley Standard Distribution (BSD) License. This is a non-reciprocal license, which means you are not obliged to re-publish any changes or modifications made to open source code. You can include the code in proprietary systems that are sold.
CS 410/510 - Software Engineering class notes (2024)


What are the four 4 main activities of the software process? ›

The fundamental activities of a software process are:
  • Specification.
  • Design and Implementation.
  • Validation.
  • Evolution.

How can you reduce the actual failure rate in software engineering? ›

10 Simple Ways to Make Your Software Project a Success
  1. Ensure that your Vendor Comprehends the Information Correctly. ...
  2. Estimate Proper Time and Budget Frames. ...
  3. Design and Processes are Vital; Give them Due Importance. ...
  4. Ensure that the Success Metrics are Well-defined. ...
  5. Engage a Team with the Right Skill Set.

What is the difference between validation testing and defect testing? ›

System testing by the development team should focus on discovering bugs in the system (defect testing). The objective of release testing is to check that the system meets its requirements and is good enough for external use (validation testing).

What are the 3 types of software programs? ›

There are different types of software that can run on a computer: system software, utility software, and application software.

Why are developers leaving? ›

Burnout and lack of support.

Many remote workers have experienced burnout due to long working hours and poor work-life balance. If your company isn't present to support the mental health of its employees, chances are they'll feel tempted to leave as soon as things get bad.

What percent of IT projects fail? ›

Project management helps organizations complete projects within budget, on time and achieve their original goals and business intentions.

What percentage of software projects fail? ›

Most software projects fail completely or partially because they don't meet all their requirements. These requirements can be the cost, schedule, quality, or requirements objectives. According to many studies, the failure rate of software projects ranges between 50% – 80%.

What are the 7 categories of software? ›

This classification has seven major elements. They are: platform and management, education and reference, home and entertainment, content and communication, operations and professional, product manufacturing and service delivery, and line of business.

What are the two main types of software *? ›

The two main types of software are system software and application software. System software controls a computer's internal functioning, chiefly through an operating system, and also controls such peripherals as monitors, printers, and storage devices.

What are the 3 types of data validation? ›

The following are the common Data Validation Types:

Range Check. Format Check. Consistency Check.

What are three types of validation? ›

  • A) Prospective validation (or premarket validation)
  • B) Retrospective validation.
  • C) Concurrent validation.
  • D) Revalidation.
Jul 17, 2017

What is difference between defect and bug and error? ›

We can say that a mistake made by a programmer during coding is called an error, an error found during the unit testing in the development phase is called a defect, an error found during the testing phase is called a bug and when an error is found at an end user's end is called as the failure.

What are the 10 types of software? ›

10 types of computer software examples
  • Application software. ...
  • System software. ...
  • Middleware. ...
  • Driver software. ...
  • Programming software. ...
  • Freeware. ...
  • Open source software. ...
  • Proprietary software or closed software.
Mar 3, 2022

What are the 4 types of system software? ›

System software includes:
  • Operating systems.
  • Device drivers.
  • Middleware.
  • Utility software.
  • Shells and windowing systems.

What are the 7 principles of software engineering? ›

Seven basic principles of software engineering
  • (1) manage using a phased life-cycle plan.
  • (2) perform continuous validation.
  • (3) maintain disciplined product control.
  • (4) use modern programming practices.
  • (5) maintain clear accountability for results.
  • (6) use better and fewer people.

What are the 3 layers of software engineering? ›

The three tiers in detail
  • Presentation tier. The presentation tier is the user interface and communication layer of the application, where the end user interacts with the application. ...
  • Application tier. The application tier, also known as the logic tier or middle tier, is the heart of the application. ...
  • Data tier. ...
  • Tier vs.
Oct 28, 2020

What are the 7 phases of software development? ›

The new seven phases of SDLC include planning, analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and maintenance.

Is developer a stressful job? ›

As a software developer, you've probably experienced stress multiple times and every time seems a little different yet the sensation is the same. A developer's job is very stressful due to its nature: you need to build or create, and you need to do it quickly.

Are software devs happy? ›

Roughly 70% of working developers are happy at work right now, with over 90% saying it is important for them to be happy at work.

Do developers have a future? ›

Software development is a promising career, and developers will be in high demand in the future. You can select programming as a profession if you enjoy coding with computer languages and want to make a career out of it.

Why do most IT projects fail? ›

Projects that fail often have unclear objectives, shifting requirements, struggle to use technology correctly, suffer from poor team dynamics, or often missing critical skill sets and lack strong project management.

Why do IT departments fail? ›

There are many reasons why IT project implementations can go wrong: Lack of planning and management participation, underestimating resources, failing to manage user expectations, too much customization and tweaking at the end of the project, and insufficient testing, to name a few.

Why do projects fail 2022? ›

Inadequate project planning is the number one reason for project failure. Project planning is one of the most important responsibilities of a project manager. This process is vital because without a clear vision the team won't be able to properly execute tasks and reach the project goal.

What are the top 4 software project risks? ›

12 risks in software development
  1. Code issues. One significant risk involved with software development is poor quality code. ...
  2. Aggressive deadlines. Sometimes, software development projects have tight deadlines. ...
  3. Unmet expectations. ...
  4. Low productivity. ...
  5. Budget issues. ...
  6. Poor risk management. ...
  7. Inadequate project management. ...
  8. Scope creep.
Jun 1, 2021

Why do software developers fail? ›

Software engineers who are not proactive and sincere in their work fail to achieve their career goals. They do the bare minimum tasks assigned to them. Even to do that, they take their sweet time. Many times the whole team suffers due to the low quality of work delivered by such developers.

What are the top 3 reasons a software project fails? ›

By understanding these five common reasons why software projects fail, you can take steps to avoid such problems and make your project a success.
  • Reason 1: Poor planning. ...
  • Reason 2: Lack of leadership. ...
  • Reason 3: Poor communication. ...
  • Reason 4: Inadequate use of resources. ...
  • Reason 5: Inability to overcome challenges.
Apr 19, 2022

What are the 3 types of computer? ›

In this article, readers will be able to learn about the different types of computers. Analog computers. Digital computers. Hybrid computers.

Which software domain is best? ›

Top 10 Top-Level Domains for Tech Startups
  • . io. ...
  • . ai. ...
  • . app. ...
  • . dev. ...
  • . mobi. ...
  • . tech. ...
  • . cloud. ...
  • .network. IT has become the most critical part of most businesses these days, and if you're in the infrastructure space, then .
May 6, 2020

What are the ten 10 types of software development? ›

Keep reading to learn more about the different types of software development.
  • Front-End Development. ...
  • Back-End Development. ...
  • Full Stack Development. ...
  • Application Development. ...
  • API Development. ...
  • Data Science. ...
  • Mobile Development. ...
  • Desktop Development.

What are the 5 phases of software development? ›

The SDLC has five phases: inception, design, implementation, maintenance, and audit or disposal, which includes an assessment of the risk management plan.

What are the 5 examples of software? ›

Examples and types of software
  • Application software. The most common type of software, application software is a computer software package that performs a specific function for a user, or in some cases, for another application. ...
  • System software. ...
  • Driver software. ...
  • Middleware. ...
  • Programming software.

Who is the father of software engineering? ›

Watts S. Humphrey (July 4, 1927 – October 28, 2010) was an American pioneer in software engineering who was called the "father of software quality." Battle Creek, Michigan, U.S.

How many softwares are there? ›

There are two types of software : System software. Application software.

What are the 6 levels of validation? ›

  • Level One: Stay Awake and Pay Attention.
  • Level Two: Accurate Reflection.
  • Level Three: Stating What Hasn't Been Said Out Loud (“the unarticulated”)
  • Level Four: Validating Using Past History or Biology.
  • Level Five: Normalizing.
  • Level Six: Radical Genuineness.

What are the two kinds of validation? ›

There are 4 main types of validation:
  • Prospective Validation.
  • Concurrent Validation.
  • Retrospective Validation.
  • Revalidation (Periodic and After Change)

What is called validation? ›

noun. the act of confirming something as true or correct: The new method is very promising but requires validation through further testing. You will be prompted to enter your new password a second time for validation.

What is the other name of validation? ›

Some common synonyms of validate are authenticate, confirm, corroborate, substantiate, and verify. While all these words mean "to attest to the truth or validity of something," validate implies establishing validity by authoritative affirmation or by factual proof.

What are the main activities of software process? ›

There are four basic key process activities:
  • Software Specifications – In this process, detailed description of a software system to be developed with its functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Software Development – ...
  • Software Validation – ...
  • Software Evolution –
Nov 22, 2021

What are the 4 basic components of a process? ›

These four critical items are: (1) Process Definition, (2) Process and Activity Roles, (3) Available Tools and (4) Training. Plain and simple reality- these elements are inseparably linked.

What are the 4 processes of programming? ›

Here's how we can do so in four major steps.
Computer Programming in 4 Steps
  • Step 1: Identify the problem. ...
  • Step 2: Find a solution. ...
  • Step 3: Code it. ...
  • Step 4: Test it.
Jul 13, 2022

What are the 4 functions of application software? ›

Function of application software:
  • Information and data management.
  • Management of documents (document exchange systems)
  • Development of visuals and video.
  • Emails, text messaging, audio and video conferencing, and cooperation are all options.
  • Management of accounting, finance, and payroll.
Oct 12, 2021

What are the 6 stages of software development? ›

While each development company may use a slightly different software process, each have at least 6 stages in common: planning, designing, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

What are 4 types of quality control? ›

What are the four types of Quality Control? The four types of quality control are process control, control charts, acceptance sampling, and product quality control.

What are the 3 key elements of process? ›

The THREE well known elements are: input, process and output. Here the PERFORMER of process or activity or task is ignored.

What are the 5 rules of programming? ›

Rob Pike's 5 Rules of Programming
  • Rule 1. You can't tell where a program is going to spend its time. ...
  • Rule 2. Measure. ...
  • Rule 3. Fancy algorithms are slow when n is small, and n is usually small. ...
  • Rule 4. Fancy algorithms are buggier than simple ones, and they're much harder to implement. ...
  • Rule 5. Data dominates.

What are the 4 types of code? ›

Common styles are imperative, functional, logical, and object-oriented languages. Programmers can choose from these coding language paradigms to best-serve their needs for a specific project.

What are the 2 types of application platform? ›

Desktop platform applications are kinds of applications which can run on the desktop Operating systems like macOS, windows OS, Linux OS etc. Mobile platform applications which run on Mobile Operating systems like Androids OS, iOS, Blackberry OS etc.

What are the six 6 types of application software? ›

Types of Application Software
  • Word Processing Software. Word processing software is used to format, beautify, and manipulate text. ...
  • Spreadsheet Software. ...
  • Presentation Software. ...
  • Multimedia Software. ...
  • Web Browsers. ...
  • Educational Software. ...
  • Graphics Software. ...
  • Freeware.
Jun 18, 2021

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